Make Lemonade

How to make your first 5 hires. (Saturday Squeeze)

Episode Summary

There's an old African proverb that goes something like this: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together. This is sometimes easier said than done. Hiring is hard and today I'm going to break down how to make your first 5 hires. Hopefully, this helps you avoid some of the costly mistakes I made.

Episode Notes

There's an old African proverb that goes something like this: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.

This is sometimes easier said than done. Hiring is hard and today I'm going to break down how to make your first 5 hires. Hopefully, this helps you avoid some of the costly mistakes I made.

As always, thanks for being a listener of the show. Here's a breakdown of today's Saturday Squeeze.

(0:50) my experience hiring

(2:19) when to hire

(3:40) define values early on

(7:50) hire generalists, then specialists

(10:45) letting go of control

(12:00) keep your org flat as long as you can

(14:35) communication is key as you scale

(15:20) it's not one-size fits all

(1648) recap


Hosted by @jrfarr — brought to you by 

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